Artists in Residence

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec.

Alyson is showing her current exhibition 'A Bestiary of Rare Beasts’.

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec.

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec.

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec.

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec. CANADIENNE

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec.

Alyson Champ lives near Montreal, Quebec. R.P. TURKEY

Lora George lives near Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Lora is a spontaneous artist, squeezing artwork in between her busy schedule as a nurse.


The Highland bull was created & kindly donated by Lora for RBC's AGM fund-raising auction in Nova Scotia two years ago.


Lora George lives near Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Lora George lives near Halifax, Nova Scotia. HIGHLAND BULL

Rhonda Snow lives near Fort Frances, Ontario. 

Rhonda with a successful local showing and sale of her work this past winter,  raised enough hay-money for her Ojibway's.

Rhonda Snow lives near Fort Frances, Ontario.

Rhonda Snow lives near Fort Frances, Ontario. OJIBWAYS

Rhonda Snow lives near Fort Frances, Ontario.

Rhonda Snow lives near Fort Frances, Ontario.